Freemason’s Universal Tartan®
Lady Anne Carroll Gilmour of Park City, Utah, an internationally published author and world-renown weaver specializing in traditional Scottish Tartan weaving, designed the pattern and submitted it to the Scottish Tartans Authority in Perthshire, Scotland for registration.
The pattern was deemed unique and the Registration Certificate issued. The Freemason’s Universal Tartan® is officially registered and recorded with the Scottish Register of Tartans (SRT) [formerly the original Scottish Tartans Authority (STA) and the Scottish Tartans World Register (STWR)]; and conforms to the Scottish Register of Tartans Act.
Woven by the Strathmore Woollen Company of Forfar. A mill near Edinburgh was then commissioned to weave the cloth in bulk. This was adopted by the Grand Lodge, Free & Accepted Masons of Utah for the use of all Masons worldwide.
“The seven colors represent many things to worldwide Masonry,” says Anne. “In concert with Masonic symbolism, no one color means only one thing. For example, the blue, of course, is the dome of heaven, a reference to blue lodges. But it is also closely tied to several other Masonic groups. The red cross in the blue field is an ancient symbol of relief [giving rise to the modern symbol of the Red Cross]. It also alludes to the Red Cross of Constantine.

“The white cross on the purple field, meanwhile, is a reference to the Southern Cross—a tip of the hat to brethren in the Southern Hemisphere. The two crosses thus form a pivot-to-pivot pattern. Purple is an ancient color of royalty, but it is common to Job’s Daughters, the Scottish Rite, and Cryptic Masonry. You’ll also notice that all five colors of the Eastern Star points are represented. And on it goes. Green for Daughters of the Nile, purple and gold for Prince Hall, and red and gold for the Shrine. And of course black, red, and gold for DeMolay.”
“I designed this tartan for the benefit of the family of Freemasons and all of its charitable activities,” says Anne. “Just as other tartans are designed to exhibit the unity of proud Scottish clans, the intent of the Freemason’s Universal Tartan® is to unify the brethren under a family emblem for Masons anywhere in the world.” Anne Carroll Gilmour, Creator of the Freemason’s Universal Tartan®.
[Source: Scottish Rite Journal July – August 2010 ; Freemason Tartan Facebook ; Scottish Register of Tartans ]
As a Scottish family’s unique tartan represents that family throughout the world, so too does the Freemason’s Universal Tartan® represent the family of Freemasonry and its goals to make this world a better place to live in.
Whether by the yard (in 11oz or 13 oz woven weight) use in kilt and vests; or in the form of a tie, scarf, cumberbun, or sash- this makes the perfect accessory in every Masonic function.
Whether you are a Scotsman, Prince Hall Affiliate, A Scots Guard, A Knight of Saint Andrew, a Master Mason, or a member of any part of this ancient and honorable Masonic Family; this is the perfect Tartan and Masonic accessory for you!
To purchase your Freemason’s Universal Tartan® material or products click on the Tartan below: