For your convenience, you can now pay your annual dues online, on time, and early.
The Choice is yours!
With one easy step, just select an option below, and click the ‘Pay Now’ button.
Note: The price listed does include PayPal’s processing fees.

Get ahead of the curve by paying your 2021 dues monthly. You will be able to have $12 a month auto debited from your account to pay for the following years dues. You need to be current on the calendar years dues in order to sign up for the monthly payment plan.

Want to Donate?
With our safe & convenient options, you can help support your Lodge from the freedom and comfort of your smartphone. Donate anytime & anywhere.
Have you already paid your dues and wish to give more?
GREAT NEWS: Friends & Brethren, Accepting donations has never been easier! Now you can donate to the Lodge whatever amount you wish to, and as often as you desire.
Your generous gift allows Golden Spike Lodge № 6 F&AM the ability to explore new ideas and methods in our continuing effort to improve our many charitable endeavors, presence within the community; as well as our many Lodge programs.
By clicking on the PayPal Donate button below, you will be prompted to either enter your PayPal account information to proceed, or simply choose the link for using your own credit, or debit card. Enter the amount of your donation and click the ‘Donate’ button below to debit or charge your account.