Congratulations on your decision to apply for membership into Golden Spike Lodge № 6 Free and Accepted Masons of Utah.
Freemasonry is one of the finest fraternities the world has ever known. May you enjoy the pursuit into this ancient and honorable Fraternity; as much as countless others have before you.

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The question of becoming a Freemason is a matter for very serious consideration, and since you have expressed desire to be a member, we deem it advisable that you should be informed on certain points which may affect your decision to apply.
In all ages, Freemasonry has insisted that men should come to its doors unsolicited and entirely of their own free will and accord. Moreover, those joining in the hope of selfish personal gain will be bitterly disappointed.
Freemasonry has for its foundation the great basic principles of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man.
No atheist can be made a Mason.
Freemasonry is not in any way an insurance society nor does it provide benefits in case of sickness or death. In a correct and broad sense it is a charitable association, but it only extends such charity as it feels willing and able to grant, not as a matter or right to the recipient, but in its desire to do good and exemplify its moral teachings. The yearly dues are entirely inadequate to permit other than temporary assistance to a member or his family in case of need.
A universal custom requires that, through oral instruction, certain portions of the work is to be memorized after each degree and before a candidate is advanced.
Every Member is expected to pay promptly the annual dues fixed by his Lodge.